Tuesday 14 April 2015

Jim Murphy - the Humpty Dumpty of Scottish Politics

Talk about having egg on his face?...

Jim Murphy has been royally slapped down by his English Labour imperial masters, painfully revealing exactly what they think of him.

He's just not important to Labour or its ambitions.

If he was, English Labour would have been doing everything possible to keep their man's reputation intact.

Instead, they treated him like a Humpty Dumpty that had just fallen off a wall.

Murphy had claimed on Sunday Politics Scotland that Labour would not need to impose any cuts beyond 2015/16. Then on Monday, on the Daily Politics programme, Chuka Umunna said that Jim Murphy was not in charge of the UK budget and that there would be further cuts beyond 2015/16. Then Ed Balls on Radio 4's Today programme confirmed that if he was Chancellor, Scotland would not be exempt from cuts. And Ed Miliband, at his manifesto launch, confirmed there would be cuts throughout the lifetime of the parliament under a Labour government.

So what of Jim Murphy? He's went from a man with egg on his face to being an egg that English Labour are happy to see smashed on Scottish ground.

Does anyone know how to put Humpty Dumpty Murphy back together again?

1 comment:

  1. Yes. Jim Murphy was certainly Chuka'd under a bus!
