Saturday 25 April 2015

Nicola not allowed to use the UK's broad shoulders

During indyref, we were told repeatedly that Scotland should stay a part of the UK because of the UK's "broad shoulders." The phrase was repeated earlier this year by David Cameron in relation to the problems facing the North Sea oil industry.

Well, where have the UK's broad shoulders been over the past five years?

Scotland is famously "too wee, too poor, too stupid" to go it alone and if we had Devo Max, we'd have a super-massive, mega-ginormous, blacker-than-black financial black hole we just couldn't cope with, as Jim Murphy super-massively mega-loves to point out.

Thus, it is far better for Scotland to stay within the UK because of the UK's fantastically wonderful "broad shoulders."

Brilliant. UK's "broad shoulders" must mean "riches beyond belief." Stay within the UK and its "broad shoulders" will mean no financial black holes of even the tiniest size to threaten the nation or spending cuts that will force poverty on millions.

So why did Labour go through the lobbies with their Tory and Lib Dem counterparts to vote for an additional £30 billion worth of cuts?

Despite Murphy trying to claim Labour would need no cuts beyond 2015/16, his English imperial masters quickly slapped him down and said there'd be cuts throughout the lifetime of the next parliament under a Labour government.

Then the IFS said even Nicola Sturgeon's spending increases would mean austerity would last and last and last, and oh my god she'd choke the UK to death with the weight of debt and why don't you just stay up there and keep your tartan black hole to yourself?

Bang go the riches of the UK's broad shoulders.

"Oh no," the Unionists cry. "Not with the super-massive, mega-ginormous, broooad shoulders of the UK."

Then show me the money, you Unionist dullards!

Of course, reality is quite different. If the UK does have broad shoulders, why have we had to endure austerity for the past five years? Why are the Tories, Lib Dems and Labour all proposing another five years of austerity? All three parties have voted for an additional £30 billion worth of cuts.

It's clear we were lied to and are still being lied to.

Perhaps the UK's "broad shoulders" are now too old, too weak and too arthritic to carry the loads they used to?

Or perhaps the whole notion of shoulder widths is just one more Unionist lie, now exposed.


  1. Yes. Those UK broad shoulders that carry £1.4 trillion of debt and rising. Debt that is only secured by Scotland's oil.

    Those broad shoulders?

    1. Yes, those ones. Westminster seems to have misplaced them. You haven't seen them lying around, have you?
