Friday 5 June 2015

What killed Charles Kennedy: the SNP surge or his own alcoholism?

Well, now we know. The SNP surge that lost him his seat did NOT push Charles Kennedy over the edge as some commentators have suggested.

As I said in an earlier post, complex psychological problems can't be dumbed down into a trite little phrase about the SNP.

Charles Kennedy was mentally ill. Yes, that's right - mentally ill. He suffered from alcoholism, a mental disease he could not escape.

A post-mortem exam has shown that Charles Kennedy died of a massive haemorrhage. His relatives stated

"Ultimately this was an illness Charles could not conquer."

I liked and admired Charles Kennedy. He was one of the good ones. What I find dispicable is how certain people hijacked his death in order to attack the SNP. Charles Kennedy will be turning in his grave knowing that is how his death is being used. I hope those people will now publicly retract their shameful comments.

RIP, Charles Kennedy.

Alcohol is a key part of my fictional Prime Minister's character. Some brief extracts:
Edward tossed the voodoo doll back onto his desk.
His career was over – as Sam had bluntly told him.
He downed the glass of whisky and reached for the bottle…
Then he realised the smell of vomit was from him. He quickly wiped at his mouth with his handkerchief and took a deep swig of whisky from his recently-ever-present hipflask.

My eBook is available from and and others.

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